Look after your members and their data well,
after all an Iwi is its members.

Tiki Systems online iwi membership software (Tiki-OS) allows you to capture
a rich picture of your people and better communicate with them.

Talk to us about why the majority of Iwi have trusted us for over 15 years
with their most important asset, their membership data.

When you want more than just a list of names...

TIKI-OS is a membership registration system that encompasses whakapapa and powerful communication tools

Kohi Kai is a fishing permits system that allows you to easily issue permits and report in real time to better manage your resources

MāoriMe is a webapp that allows your member to interact directly with your organisation and the information you hold about them

Ringa Awhina is a system that allows you to provide grants, distribute funds and track historical payments to beneficiaries

Smart Integrated Systems

  • Tiki-OS provides the central hub for our suite of products
  • Kohi Kai draws on the membership information to help you issue fishing permits to your members
  • MāoriMe allows your members to interact directly with the information you hold about them in Tiki-OS
  • Ringa Awhina in combination with Tiki-OS allows you to manage all your membership distributions.
  • Tiki-OS links with other third party services on your behalf easily enabling you to send bulk emails and txt messages.
  • Finally Tiki-OS is hosted on Rackspace, the enterprise level hosting service preferred by Xero, which means you can have total confidence in our service. We havn't lost any data in over 15 years of operation.

Contact Us Today

To send us an enquiry please fill in the following form, and we will endeavour to reply within 24 hours.


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